Temporal grafts

Dr Alain Sabourin pure follicular unit transplant approach can also be used to transplant hair to the temples. The hair on the temples, located on either side of the front of the head where the hair points down, may gradually recede with baldness and create the impression of a wide forehead. Follicular units with 1 or 2 hair strands can be transplanted on the temples to give the face back its structure and greatly rejuvenate appearance. Here, our success resides in the ingenious and delicate use of a specific type of incision ( coronal incision) to ensure the perfect exit angle of each hair from this area of the scalp. This creates an extremely natural and undetectable appearance.

Both of these techniques require a high level of know-how, surgical talent and a well-developed sense of aesthetics to create the natural looking results that have made Dr. Sabourin’s reputation. We are very proud of the results, given few clinics offer and carry out these advanced hair transplant techniques.