Fractional Laser Technology

CO2 laser treatment requires a considerable convalescence period, and a less invasive and easier approach was needed. Fractional laser technology was developed to meet this need.

This approach focuses on limiting treatment to a specific percentage of the face’s surface while leaving the rest of the face untouched. Moreover, treatment is much more extensive and stimulates the development of new collagen. Fine to moderate lines and minor losses of tonus are thus improved. All in all, skin texture is generally improved (pores, scars, tonus, etc.).

There are currently three types of fractional lasers available on the market:

A. Fractional CO2 laser is the most powerful of the three and is the technology of choice to treat facial and body scars;

B. Fractional Erbium laser is particularly useful for rejuvenation treatments;

C. Pearl fractional laser is very similar to the previous type.

Certain important points are noteworthy. These new technologies provide a good potential for skin rejuvenation, but they do not correct spots or rosacea often associated with facial ageing. Consequently, it is often necessary to combine laser treatments to produce more global and satisfactory results. Contrary to CO2 laser, fractional laser can be used to treat other parts of the body such as the hands and neck. Finally, the convalescence period will last only a few days (from 2 to 5 depending on the laser used). An additional treatment may be required 6 to 8 weeks later to amplify the desired effect.

Dr. Alain Sabourin’s medical and aesthetic clinic possesses all of these devices and can provide you with the treatment you require, in accordance with your expectations, available time and complete healing requirements.